What to do when you DON’T want to practice

I’m not gonna lie to you… sometimes I don’t want to practice. Sometimes I’d rather go down a YouTube rabbit hole, or read a book, or take a nap.

Sometimes I don’t want to do what I know I should be doing.


Because there’s nothing sexy about a “should.” There’s nothing sexy about a “have to.”

Fortunately, there’s a little language trick that has helped me reframe my chores into s’mores. (I’m aware that zinger doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, but let’s go with it.)

Anyway, this simple trick is a life hack that works great for getting motivated to practice and anything else you know you should be doing but loathe the thought of actually getting started.


Turn your “have to’s” into “get to’s.”

Instead of thinking I have to practice, think I get to practice.

Alright, stop right there! If you think this is silly…my friend, you are missing out big time.

Let’s dig a little deeper into this concept:

When you think or say I get to instead of I have to, you activate the power of gratitude. And if you’ve read any personal development books or heard of a lady named Oprah Winfrey, then you’ve probably heard that being grateful can improve your life.

All I ask is that you give this little language reframe trick a try next time you know you should be doing something that you don’t feel like doing.

I have to go to work.

I get to go to work (and provide for my family).

I have to take out the garbage.

I get to take out the garbage (and keep my house neat and tidy).

I have to go to bed early.

I get to go to bed early (and feel rested tomorrow morning).

I have to practice.

I get to practice (and work toward my goal of becoming the musician I want to be).

Want more practice motivation and optimization hacks? Be sure to check out my course, Perfect Practice.

In it, you’ll learn:

  • What you should always practice first if you want to get better FAST. (Most people skip this completely and then wonder why they’re not getting any better.)

  • What to do if you’re putting in the time but not getting any better. (If this is you, it’s crucial that you address this important issue immediately with this simple but effective technique.)

  • Say goodbye to negative self-talk in the practice room. (Even if you’re a self-critical perfectionist like me.)

And so much more. Enroll in Perfect Practice here:


Happy shedding!



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