Knowledge ≠ Ability

If you’re reading this email, there’s a good chance you enjoy learning about music. You want to soak up as much information as you can about music theory, improvisation, ear training, etc.

Welp, I’ve got an important reminder for you…some advice you’d best heed should you want to get better at music…and get better fast.

I’ve reduced this concept to a maxim. Please keep it in mind as you continue on your musical journey:

Knowledge ≠ Ability

My point is that “knowing a lot” does not mean you can actually “do a lot.”

I was reminded of this truth when I started learning jiu jitsu a couple of years ago. I was obsessed with watching tutorials on YouTube – trying to learn as many techniques as possible so that I could dominate on the mats the next time I went to train.

Of course, all of that knowledge didn’t mean nothin’ when push came to shove (pun intended)…because knowledge does not equal ability.

So, if you actually want to make real progress as a musician…if you actually want to be able to play better…

Don’t just read these emails.

Don’t just watch my videos.

Don’t just take the courses that I teach.

Don’t fool yourself into thinking that passively absorbing information is going to move the needle on your ability to make the kind of music you want to make.

Instead, take all that information—better yet, take just some of that information—and put it into practice.

Sure, it sounds like obvious advice. But if you’re anything like me, it’s easy to get sucked into “the knowledge delusion,” especially with the abundance of information available to us these days.

Alright, pep talk over. Go practice :)


P.S. If you’re stuck in information overload and need some guidance as to what to work on, you can’t go wrong with Tastiest Blues Licks You’ve Ever Heard, which includes my favorite, go-to blues licks of all time.

(Make sure you actually practice and transpose them into a few keys as opposed to just passively listening to the recordings and reading through the sheet music!)

Once these bad boys are under your fingers, you'll be able to weave them into any solo in which you want to sound ridiculously soulful.

Plus, the whole pack is still priced at just $13, which is a total steal.

Click here to check out Tastiest Blues Licks You’ve Ever Heard.


Why I Kept Messing Up This Lick


What to do when you DON’T want to practice