The Scariest (and Bluesiest) Interval of All time

Have you ever heard of diabolus in musica?

It means “the devil’s interval” in Latin.

Can you guess the interval?

It’s the tritone!

A and Eb, for example.

Three whole steps apart. Hence the “tri.”

And it does sound a little spooky.

But it can also sound extremely bluesy and soulful.

Consider the C major blues scale: C D Eb E G A.

There’s that A and Eb again.

I absolutely LOVE the sound of A jumping down to Eb in the key of C.

Mess around with it on your instrument, and you’ll find that the devil’s got some serious soul.

And if you want even more bluesy goodness in your playing, be sure to check out my lick-pack, Tastiest Blues Licks You’ve Ever Heard, which includes my 25 all-time favorite, go-to blues lines for maximum soul. Drop a couple of these bad boys into one of your solos, and you'll feel the energy kick up immediately

Check ‘em out here:

Happy Halloween!



Candy Chords


Play These 2 Notes for Bluesier Solos