Pro-Tip for Memorizing Chord Changes (Color-Coded)

We’re moving in a couple of weeks. From New Jersey to Connecticut. From the city to the suburbs.

All of our stuff is packed away. Boxes in every corner of every room, labeled “kitchen,” “living room,” “Jeff’s studio,” etc.

We even write the contents of each box right on the cardboard. It’s too easy to forget where everything is once the move is over and it’s time to unpack.

Which brings me to my segue from life lessons to music lessons…

Trying to remember what’s packed in an unlabeled box is like trying to remember the chords in a tune you memorized long ago.

Not an easy task.

But I’ve got a pro tip for you…know your key centers.

Let’s take a look at the standard, “Have You Met Miss Jones?” as an example:

Have You Met Miss Jones?

41 chords packed into 32 measures.

Sounds like a lot, and it is.

But when you boil down to key centers, all you have to remember are four harmonic anchors: F, Bb, Gb, and D.

Have You Met Miss Jones? Analysis.jpg

Much better.

Those four anchors can help trigger your memory of the chord changes within each key center. But even if you simply improvised in broad strokes of F, Bb, Gb, D, you’d be well on your way to making the changes.

Now, for everyone who’s comfortable playing “in key” but wants to improvise more nuanced lines that flow through each chord change, I’ve got great news…

My course, Making the Changes, is open for enrollment this week.

But, please, don’t enroll till you read this.

Over the course of six weeks, you’ll get the entire system I personally use to improvise over any chord progression.

I call it the CMC system, which stands for Crane, Massage, Connectors – weird names for a serious approach to learning how to make you an outstanding improviser.

I’ll show you exactly what to do, how to do it, and why.

Enrollment closes tomorrow and the crazy bonus deals go bye-bye as well.

Click here to learn more.

What to expect?

How to improvise pro-level solos by playing vertically AND horizontally. (You need to be able to do both or else your playing will always sound amateurish.)

How to eliminate self-doubt when it’s your turn to solo. (Imagine being excited to put yourself out there and actually feeling proud when you’re done playing.)

The 3 magic notes that can turn boring lines into sophisticated phrases. (You’re not going to find them in any scale syllabus.)

How to keep your place in the form. (Even if you’re the one who always gets lost when it’s time to solo.)

The truth about chords and scales. (The stuff you see everyone else doing is failing, but this new method is easier and actually makes you sound good!)

And so much more.

Making the Changes only opens for enrollment a handful of times per year, so don’t miss your chance to be a part of the first class of Spring 2021.

Alright alright, I’m not gonna rant about this any longer.

Bottom line: The course is great. Hundreds of past students have already taken their soloing skills to the next level and beyond using the six-week CMC system. And if for any reason you’re unsatisfied, there is a money-back guarantee.

Looking forward to seeing you in the class!

Click here to enroll in Making the Changes.

Happy Shedding,



The “See You Soon” Trick for More Mature Sounding Solos


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