Practice Like a Tesla

I got to ride in a Tesla once.

The guy driving it wanted to show off its impressive acceleration.

I was more interested in the autopilot.

It reminded me of playing music and how the ultimate goal of performance is to let the music happen without needing to think too much about what you’re doing.

It should feel like talking to a friend. Easy, enjoyable, and fluid.

“But Jeff,” you say, “how could I possibly go on autopilot while playing music? There’s so much to think about! Chords, scales, rhythm, phrasing, intonation, sound…”

Yes, all of that is important. But what about talking to a friend? Isn’t there “so much” to think about in conversation, too? Grammar, syntax, pronunciation…

I bet you’re not worried about any of that while yakkin’ it up with your bestie.

The real question is, how do you get to the point where you can go on autopilot while playing music?

The answer, of course, is practice.

But think of the purpose of practicing like this: 

To make subconscious that which is conscious.

This should be your goal in the practice room.

If you’d like to know how my students and I learn to play music like a Tesla, check out my course, Perfect Practice:

Happy shedding,


P.S. If you're into self-driving cars, check out the film, "Autonomy." It's a documentary produced by Malcolm Gladwell with music composed by yours truly.


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