If Your Head Hurts, You’re Doing it Right!

When I was 19 years old and studying music at New England Conservatory, I practiced a lot. Like 6+ hours a day a lot, and that’s not including hours of ensemble rehearsals and random jam sessions throughout the day.

And that’s probably why I developed tendonitis and had to take three months off of playing.

It wasn’t a total loss, though. I did a ton of ear training and rhythmic studies. But every time I tried to play saxophone or piano, my wrists and forearms got real angry.

Fortunately, after my hiatus, I was able to get back in the game but made sure to take more frequent breaks and stretch before, during, and after practicing.

Long story short, physical pain is bad news when it comes to playing music. 

But what about pain in your brain? Oooo I love me some brain pain.

Nothing like playing the melody to Charlie Parker’s Donna Lee and transposing up a half step every measure. That there can hurt your head enough to make you scream obscenities in the practice room.

It’s the kind of mental strain you feel when doing calculus. At least, that’s what I hear (I barely made it through pre-calculus, and jazz school did not offer math class).

So when you order your copy of Licks for Days, resist that urge to use the transposed parts, and do the "mental math" required to transpose in your noggin.

And remember, if your head hurts, you’re doing it right!

Click here to learn more about Licks for Days.


P.S. I am not a doctor. This email is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

But I do know a thing or two about licks! Click here, and I'll teach you.


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