How to Outsource” Your Solos

Last week I wrote an article about how to make money as a musician.

Here’s the gist: You need to think of yourself as a “solopreneur” and take on the roles and responsibilities of a CEO, CFO, CMO, etc.

Today we’re gonna bring the conversation back to playing music, but I’d like to use a similar, business-oriented analogy.

Here goes:

When you play with other people, you’re essentially outsourcing different parts of the music to your bandmates.

Let’s say you play saxophone – well, you’re outsourcing the time to the drums, the harmony to the piano, and a bit of both to the bass.

Then there’s the composition itself, which you’ve outsourced to the composer.

But the problem is many of us start outsourcing these “jobs” too soon in our playing careers.

We need to approach making music in the same way I talked about making money: be a solopreneur, only this time instead of a C-suite, you’re taking on the roles and responsibilities of the entire rhythm section!

That doesn’t mean you need to learn how to literally play piano, guitar, bass, and drums (though it can’t hurt). But you do need to learn how to convey harmony like a pianist, find the pocket like a bassist, and dissect the time like a drummer.

Digging into how to do each of those things is beyond the scope of this email, but what I’d like you to remember for now is that playing a good solo is not just about fulfilling your role as the soloist. You must also “become” the drummer, the bassist, the pianist, the composer, etc.

Don’t outsource those responsibilities too soon!

Here are some resources to steer you in the right direction:

My chord tone etude bookChord Tone Magic, will get you off to a great start on representing harmony like a pianist (and composer for that matter).

And to work on your rhythm, feel, and time, be sure to check out my coursePhrasing Secrets.

(Right now you can actually get both and save some bread – after purchasing Chord Tone Magic, you’ll get an offer for Phrasing Secrets at a reduced price. So, there’s your insider tip for the day!)

Until next time…

Happy shedding!



My Go-To Chord for Stealthy Modulations


How to Fake Your Way Through a Solo